Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Lastly you can craft new armors

the reinforced shield Minecraft Maps and the advanced armor.
 Reinforced armor is simply stronger than iron armor and advanced armor is like gemstone armor and can be upgraded with perks.

 All you have to to do is place a perk in the menu of the crafting machine as you build a new little bit of armor.

Check out the discussion board for more information upon this mod definitely. There are tons of add-ons and benefits to help make the ultimate tools and armor to suit your needs.

Now you can make picks from andesite also, diorite, and granite. These all have three times the durability of standard stone picks roughly.

 You can also make a chiseled stone pick which adds even more to the sturdiness if you choose to craft this route instead.
See it  CandyCraft Resource Pack  at 

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